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Professor Declan Hill is developing a study abroad program to take a team of 网赌上分平台 students to England to try to find the remains of Matoaka, 被世人称为波卡洪塔斯, 希望将她的遗体送回弗吉尼亚州的部落家中.

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After she graduates with her bachelor’s degree in international affairs in May, Allison Mahr ’24 will head to the Republic of Georgia with the support of a Boren National 安全 Fellowship. 她很高兴能利用这个奖项来提高自己的技能, 最终, 对该地区的冲突后重建产生影响.

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意大利 Campus Program Coordinator Passionate about Sharing Her City and Her Culture with Students

Meet Lara Pugi, program coordinator at the University’s campus in 托斯卡纳, 意大利. She has lived in Prato for over a decade and appreciates the local parks and the people.

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Chargers Reflect on Exciting Opportunities at University’s 意大利 Campus

在普拉托留学, 意大利, 对许多学生来说,这是一段“自我发现之旅”吗, 当他们探索一种新的文化, 与当地社区建立联系, 同时也更好地了解自己.

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Conversation Exchange Program Builds Connections Between Chargers and Italian Students

在普拉托大学校园学习的学生, 意大利, describe the Conversation Exchange Program as one of the most meaningful aspects of their time abroad. 它将他们与当地的高中生联系起来, enabling them to immerse themselves in Italian 语言 and culture and, 甚至, 在另一个国家交一辈子的朋友.

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For students who study abroad at the University’s campus in Prato, 意大利, eating at local cafés and restaurants as p艺术 of their meal plan is not only delicious, it is an experience that creates a sense of being welcomed like family.

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Students Call Barcelona 出国留学 Trip a ‘Once-in-a-Lifetime’ Experience

A dozen forensic science students spent a memorable two weeks in Spain over the summer, 探索科学, 调查, 和西班牙文化. 他们是不是去了犯罪实验室, 艺术博物馆, 或者与当地人互动, 他们说这是一个学习和成长的绝佳机会.

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While spending two weeks visiting three cities in Poland this summer, a group of students interacted with the Polish National Police and got a behind-the-scenes look at the country’s criminal justice system. 他们还探索了波兰的历史和文化, 对于一些学生来说, 这意味着更多地了解他们自己.

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今年夏天, 18 high school counselors spent a week at the University’s campus in Prato, 意大利, 他们在哪里探索当地社区, 体验文化, and got to know 教师 和工作人员 as if they were Chargers studying abroad.

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Professor Enjoys Sharing Passion for Humanities with Students Studying Abroad

Lisa Kaborycha博士.D., 是一位学者, 作者, 还有教育家, like many of the students she teaches at the University’s campus in 托斯卡纳, 意大利, 他来自美国. She enjoys sharing with them everything her new home country has to offer and inspiring them to immerse themselves in 意大利’s rich culture 和历史.

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Students Design an Italian Café as p艺术 of Hands-On Course in 托斯卡纳

作为课堂作业的一部分, interior design students studying abroad in 意大利 designed a café that would bring together what they’ve learned in the classroom and what they’ve experienced while exploring a new country and a new culture.

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Students, Italian Family Share Culture and Connection Over Dinner

Students studying abroad at the University’s campus in 意大利 this semester joined a local family for dinner, 感受一下在普拉托生活和成长的滋味, 意大利. It was an immersive opportunity for them to learn more about the local food, culture, and 语言.

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University’s 托斯卡纳 Campus Fosters Supportive Environment that Enables First-Year Students to Thrive

Each year a group of students begins their time as Chargers abroad at the University’s campus in Prato, 意大利. 教师 和工作人员 there offer a variety of important resources to help new students adjust to college life and feel a sense of support, 归属感, 和社区从第一天开始.

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Italian Pizzeria Owner Teaches Students in 托斯卡纳 the Art of Pizza Making

作为班级活动的一部分, 在普拉托大学校园学习的学生, 意大利, 最近去了一家当地的披萨店, where the friendly staff welcomed them and gave them a hands-on private lesson on how to make a perfect Neapolitan pizza.

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作为艺术史课程的一部分, 在普拉托大学校园留学的学生, 意大利, recently had the opportunity to take an in-depth guided tour at a historic church in Florence with their professor, exploring firsthand what they’ve been discussing in the classroom.

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Chargers Travel from University’s 托斯卡纳 Campus to London, Pay Respects to Queen Elizabeth II

当他们得知女王伊丽莎白二世去世时, 26岁的布伦尼·约翰逊和25岁的诺亚·埃利奥特, 谁在意大利的大学校园留学, 去伦敦旅行. 在那里, 他们与当地人联系, 了解了英国的历史和文化, 告别了那个君主, 他们期望, 会是她一生中最后一位统治国家的女王吗.

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Students Share Experiences Living and Learning at University’s Campus in 意大利

A group of students recently returned from a monthlong trip to 托斯卡纳, 意大利, as p艺术 of the Hospitality and Tourism Management Dep艺术ment’s study abroad program. 在他们的旅游博客里, they discuss their experiences and research as well as what they learned while exploring the country and immersing themselves in a new culture.

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As p艺术 of the University’s Hospitality and Tourism Management Dep艺术ment’s study abroad program, 几个学生在托斯卡纳呆了一个月, 意大利. 在他们的旅游博客里, they discuss their research and their own experiences exploring the country and the culture.

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Assistant Dean of 托斯卡纳 Campus Loves Sharing Italian Culture with Chargers

这是瓦伦蒂娜·西弗博士.D., who says serving as assistant dean of the University’s campus in Prato, 意大利, is a “dream job.” She enjoys introducing students studying abroad – including the group visiting now – to her home country, 分享她对意大利美食的热爱, 语言, 艺术, 和历史.

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University Recommends Students, 教师, Staff at 托斯卡纳 Campus Return to United States

在全校范围的信息中, President Kaplan updates the campus community on recommendations being made to 托斯卡纳 Campus students, 教师, 和工作人员.